Tips, Tricks, and Tools for NaNoWriMo Fast Drafting

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Welcome to the wild winter word marathon known as National Novel Writing Month. Over the next thirty days, thousands of ambitious writers will churn out 50,000 words apiece to earn nothing but bragging rights, a hearty case of sleep deprivation, and hopefully part of a messy first … Continue reading Tips, Tricks, and Tools for NaNoWriMo Fast Drafting

Refilling the Wellspring: 7 Remedies for Creative Drain

Creativity is a renewable resource—but that doesn’t mean that it’s inexhaustible. Without sustainable use, the creative well tends to run dry, resulting in burnout or writer’s block. This post will address the need to maintain your creative reserves and suggest some ways to refill the well when you’re feeling drained, blocked, or out of ideas. … Continue reading Refilling the Wellspring: 7 Remedies for Creative Drain