Mindful Querying: Seven Precepts For the Trenches

At first glance, mindfulness and the so-called "query trenches" don't seem to go together. The prospect of querying agents doesn't naturally evoke a sense of calm among writers. Instead, it can spark anxiety, dread, imposter syndrome, fatigue, and disappointment. If that's how you feel about querying, you're not alone. With that in mind, I have … Continue reading Mindful Querying: Seven Precepts For the Trenches

Santa’s Secret Pen 2021: The Wyrd and the Weaver

And now for something a little different... In December, I volunteered to participate in a Secret Santa short fiction exchange with other writers. Starting from a prompt from an anonymous requester, participants wrote a short piece of 1000 words or more for their recipient. My prompt became the first line of my story, and then … Continue reading Santa’s Secret Pen 2021: The Wyrd and the Weaver